How to Order
Instructions for Ryman on how to order online. Download printable PDF.
Step 1. Log into your account
Go to:
You will be taken to the login page
- Enter your email address
- Enter your password
- Click: Login
You will be taken to an Order Form
Please note that you have an order limit of $1000.
If your order exceeds $1000, it will have to be approved by your Regional Manager.
Step 2. Selecting products for your order
- Enter the quantities of the products you want in the Quantity box.
- Note: ORDER TOTAL indicates the dollar value of your order as you add products (excluding GST)
- Click: Place Order Page
You will be taken to the shopping cart
Note Next to the shopping cart symbol
- Dollar value of your order (excluding GST)
- Remaining credit on your order
Step 3. Check your order is correct
If you want to make changes to your order, go to Step 7.
If your order is correct
- Click: Place Order
You will be taken to the checkout.
Order Notification Email
Step 4. Proceed through the checkout
Checkout page – Billing Information
1. Click: Continue
Checkout page – Shipping Information
1. Click: Continue
Checkout page – Shipping Method
- For urgent orders, please email or phone Michelle on 0800 82 82 82
- Please enter delivery instructions in the “Customer Comments” box
- Click: Continue
Checkout page – Payment Information
- Click: Continue
Checkout page – Order Review
1. Click: Edit Order – if you want to change your order. Go to Step 7 Page 20
2. Click: Place Order – if you want to send your order to Fine Touch Disposables. (You will receive an Order Notification email in your inbox – see example on Page 11).
Note: If your order has exceeded $1000, it will be sent by email to your Regional Manager for approval before it is dispatched by Fine Touch Disposables.
For more information on orders exceeding $1000, go to Step 6, Page 14.
You will be taken to the Order Confirmation page
Step 5. Checking the status of your order
1. Click: Home (from any page on the website) You will be taken to the Dashboard
2. Click: View Order (to view an order)
3. Click: View All (to list all orders you have placed)
4. Check the status column to see where your order is in Fine Touch’s system
Status – Pending: Order has been received by Fine Touch.
Status – Processing: Order is being processed by Fine Touch Status –
Complete: Order has been dispatched.
You will receive a notification email in your inbox confirming this (see example on Page 13).
Notification email – Order dispatched
Step 6. Orders exceeding $1000
- Enter quantities of the products you want in the Quantity box
- Note: ORDER TOTAL has exceeded $1000. You can either change the quantities of products or
- Click: Place order – to send the order to the shopping cart
Order in shopping cart
- Dollar value of the order has exceeded $1000
- Remaining credit on your order is $0
- To make changes to the quantity go to Step 7, Page 20 or
- Click: Place order – to continue to the Checkout
Checkout Page – Payment Information
- As you proceed through the checkout, you will be notified that your order exceeds $1000 and will be sent by email to your Regional Manager for approval when you place the order
- Click: Continue to review your order
Checkout Page – Order review
1. Click: Edit Order – if you want to make changes to your order. Go to Step 7, Page 20
2. Click: Place Order – to begin the approval process You will receive an Order Notification email in your inbox – see example on Page 19.
Please note that your order will not be dispatched until it has been approved. You will receive an email notification when your order has been dispatched Page
You will be taken to the Order Confirmation page
Order Confirmation Page
Order Notification Email
Step 7. Making changes to your order
To delete a product from your order
- Click the rubbish bin symbol
Amended Order
The product is deleted from the order.
- The dollar value of your order has changed
- The remaining credit value on your order has changed
To change the quantities of a product on your order
- Click mouse in qty box
- Use arrows that appear to change the quantity
- Click: Update
Amended order
- The dollar value of your order has been updated
- The remaining credit on your order has been updated
- The quantity of the product has changed
To add a product to your order
- Click: Continue to Order
You will be taken back to the Order Form – go back to Step 2, Page 4